Saturday, November 19, 2011

Awesome Memories

Over the last ten years? I've got lots of awesome memories. Where do I start, hanging out at Pint's Pub to travelling abroad?

Two weeks in York (Summer 2009)? Awesome.

Edinburgh? How cool was that finding the stain glass window seat of George Wishart, Christian martyr, mentor to John Knox (the leader of the protestant reformation movement in Scotland), and family ancestor?

 Snorkeling in Maui (Summer 2010), seeing turtles in the ocean depths and snorkeling at Molokini, the mostly submerged volcanic crater, and hearing Maura yell "O shit" at the top of her lungs through her snorkel upon seeing fish in the deep when she first put her masked face in the water. I laughed myself silly and that's a trick in a hunert feet a water.

Motorcycling the Black Hills, Badlands and Devil's Tower (Spring 2011 & 2010) up there near Aladdin, WY, population 15, with Mike ranks right up near the top. The cruise up Spearfish canyon was killer good. Thank you Jesus for getting us all the way back to Denver; comin' in on a wing (baling wire to be specific) and a prayer.

Every sunset, arm in arm with Linda, from Taos to Hawaii to the Filey on the North Sea impresses my mind's eye forever as does the regal beauty, the Spanish ancestral vision, that I saw when I first laid tear-filled eyes on Micaela the bride (Summer 2007).

But, I think one of the memories, bitter sweet, though it was, that I will hold most dear was singing with the girls at Uncle John's memorial service (January 2010). Such talent they possess, it was a delight for me and, I'm sure, Uncle John.

Awesome memories? Life's true treasurers. Who can count?

When it all settles down

Yup, as a family, we tend to wring every last drop of life out of every opportunity that is divinely presented to us. We are like the furry eyefuls who would not close their eyes to sleep for fear of missing something. And yet, these experiences enrich us and when we do get quiet and the shalom descends and we remember those shared experiences either alone or together, they become ties that bind and strengthen the cords of our family and the chords of our songs. -Papa

Thursday, November 17, 2011

When it all settles down

Sometimes being a member of this family involves high energy, loud voices, and a whirlwind of activity! We are definitely movers and shakers and we're hard to keep up with. One thing I love about us is the time we take to enjoy each other and the world around us. But often, in those moments, there is still a hustle, or an agenda, or a desire to accomplish all that we can in the time we have.

Don't get me wrong, I love those moments. LOVE THEM! But what I love even more, are the moments when all the activity is over when we get to sit down and just enjoy each other.

Sometimes we're sitting at a bar enjoying a beer,

sometimes we're trying to beat each other at video games,

sometimes we're just playing a game of Scrabble while lounging on the couch. It really doesn't matter to me where we're at, just that for the moment life is quiet and we're with each other!

Blog Idea #1

Here's an idea for our first blog. Add photos, videos, or just text...whatever your heart desires!

What is your favorite Huebl family memory from the last 10 years? This can be a specific moment, a conglomeration of moments, a moment you shared with the entire family, or something you shared with just one or two of us. Either way, we're all feeling the love!

What This is All About

Hello my beautiful family! I've been thinking about creating a good way to share our stories... A chance to record who we are as a family, but also who we are as individuals. This is a test drive so think of it as a work in progress. It's something that we all contribute to together, something that can be used as a digital time capsule for our next generations!

The goal is to tell stories. I'll try to keep us motivated to post blogs by coming up with weekly (or maybe bi-weekly or monthly) topics. But, feel free to post to your heart's content! What's on your mind that day? What do you want to put out into the universe (Internet! HA!)? Whatever it is, feel free to post as little or as much as you want. But whatever you do, take the time to appreciate your closest family's thoughts, stories, and dreams!

If this works out, I'll invite more Huebls to join and then I'll get started on a Wishard/Naranjo version too!